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Edit Mode

In order to make changes to your website, you must be logged in and toggle the Edit button to enable Edit Mode.

Edit Button with Edit Mode disabled

Edit Button Image

Edit Button with Edit Mode enabled. Notice, the button label reads "Editing".

Edit Button enabled Image

When Edit Mode is enabled, editing tools will appear. Some editing tools are only visible when hovering over a website component, as is the case for Edit Toggles for Containers, Widgets and Blocks (more on these Components later). These editing tools and their functions are discussed further in subsequent sections of these guides.


Edit toggle on Widget component

In the meantime, hover your mouse over the Navigation Bar at the top of the page and watch as the Edit Toggle appears. Clicking a Component while its Edit Toggle is visible will open the Component's Editor.

Brand edit toggle

Edit Toggle appears when hovering over a component

In the next section of this guide, we will edit your website Brand components in the Navigation Bar.